dimanche 25 août 2013

Just blabler

I'm not home so huh I can't draw or post anything so I just wanted to say I'm alive. Next week I'll be wurkin on a portfolio for a contest so new stuff will come. And also, thanks for all the views and stuff, it pleases meh a lot. OK NOW GO LISTENING TO NIGHT VALE BECAUSE DAT STUFF IS REAL PONEY ROCK AND IS AWESUM. Love.

mercredi 21 août 2013

BUBUBUBU. Okay, so I will try to post progresses of my works, because I'm actually on 3 projects, and I switch from one to the other whenever I'm trapped somewhere. Also, I started working today, so I will also have less time to draw. But I'll try to sketch a bit huh. And also, THANK YOU A LOT FOR YOUR SUPPORT. <3

Okay so first one, Narnia, Lucy

Second one, a stuff called Pose, because it's actually a pose test

And the last one (MY FAV GURL), a baby Pacific Rim illustration

mardi 20 août 2013


1-2 1-2 light test

Also, go check dis fabulous artist because well, I CRY EACH TIME MY EYES SEE WHAT HE DOES. Alexandre Zedig Diboine

samedi 17 août 2013


MY BABAY EDMUND IS FINISHED. But now I have to do the 3 others ones. That will come later because now I'm working on some Pacific Rim stuff. AND I'M SO SORRY I HAVEN'T POSTED EARLIER. REALLY. HOLIDAYS STUFF. NO EXCUSE. BUHUHU. LOVE.